Please take a few moments completing our audience survey to tell us more about yourself and what matters most to you on MCN. Thank you.
Dear Reader, Thank you for being a loyal reader, we greatly appreciate it. If you have already completed the survey, we greatly appreciate your time and feedback. If you haven't had a chance yet - we'd love to hear from you. This brief audience survey, should only take approximately 2-3 minutes of your time. Your input is important to us. We want to serve you better, and would like to know more about you and your interests from a content perspective. | We know your time is valuable and as such we're giving away a $250 AMEX gift card. Please enter your email address when prompted at the end of the survey. This survey is anonymous and you will only be contacted if you are randomly selected as the winner. Thank you again for taking the time to provide feedback. | Arundhati Parmar, VP and Editor-in-Chief MedCity News | |
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