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Capital Rx snags $106M 

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BIO panel: How Covid-19 is preparing us to better respond to the next pandemic

By Frank Vinluan Wednesday, June 15, 2022 3:50 AM

Biopharmaceutical companies and public health officials have learned a great deal about pandemic response in the last two years. A panel discussion during the annual meeting of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization explored some of the lessons from Covid-19 and how they can prepare us for the next pandemic.

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FTC blocks merger of two NJ hospitals less than a mile apart

By Amanda James Tuesday, June 14, 2022 8:09 PM

This is the third complaint the FTC filed against proposed hospital mergers so far this year.

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Medical bias experts: Stop using race as a predictor of health outcomes — use SDOH instead

By Katie Adams Tuesday, June 14, 2022 5:59 PM

Medical algorithms will continue to preserve the racial bias that has been historically baked into the U.S. healthcare system unless the medical field stops operationalizing race in its machine learning models, according to panelists at a recent panel hosted by the Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies. They argued algorithms should use social determinants of health as a predictor of health outcomes instead of race.

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It's time to meet the future of the OR: Collaborators

By Dr. Samuel Browd Tuesday, June 14, 2022 4:30 PM

While AI has significant transformative potential and fully autonomous surgery is something our industry can aspire to, there is a lot we can accomplish in the conversation around AI in the meantime. This means technologists need to collaborate with healthcare providers to align in our approach to embracing AI.

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Creating better alignment between digital and pharma sectors

By Stephanie Baum Tuesday, June 14, 2022 10:00 AM

At the MedCity INVEST PharmaTech virtual conference July 26, strategies and alignment between digital and pharma companies will be a major theme of the conference. Register now to join the conversation.

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ImCheck fetches €96M for antibodies that activate immune cells against cancer

By Frank Vinluan Tuesday, June 14, 2022 1:04 AM

ImCheck Therapeutics aims to broaden the reach of cancer immunotherapy with antibody drugs that activate a rare but powerful type of immune cell called gamma delta T cells. The biotech has unveiled €96 million to advance its pipeline, including a lead candidate in development for both liquid and solid tumors.

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