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New weight loss drugs are revolutionizing our understanding of desire

July 15, 2023
Illustration of a slice of pizza dropping cheese over a brain that is lit up with sparklesKaty Lemay for STAT

The new weight loss drugs are revolutionizing our understanding of desire. Food cravings could be just the beginning

Wegovy and similar drugs weren't originally designed to get into the brain. But scientists are learning that's where they work to cause weight loss. That raises a tantalizing question: If hormone hacking can erase food cravings, what other destructive desires might it liberate us from one day? Read more.

By Megan Molteni

Illustration of a woman with a walker and IV pole overlaid with a pixel pattern Eros Dervishi for STAT

How UnitedHealth's acquisition of a popular Medicare Advantage algorithm sparked internal dissent over denied care

A STAT investigation shows that NaviHealth's algorithmic denials weren't just roiling patients and physicians — even clinical staffers within NaviHealth became increasingly distressed by the way their bosses were letting an algorithm override their discretion. Read more.

By Casey Ross and Bob Herman

Illustration of frantic faces displayed on top of a map of the United States. Molly Ferguson for STAT

One year into 988 hotline, staff push for fixes to ambitious new system

Local leaders and directors at call centers say they're proud of how they've handled the last year, but that there's a lot of work left before the system works in the way everyone wants it to. Read more.

By Theresa Gaffney

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