Breaking News

FDA efforts to oversee foreign drug manufacturing remain inadequate to ensure safety; Supreme Court wrestles with OxyContin maker’s bankruptcy deal 

December 4, 2023
Pharmalot Columnist, Senior Writer

STAT+ | FDA efforts to oversee foreign drug manufacturing remain inadequate to ensure safety, analysis finds

FDA budgets and staffing held steady, though resources allocated for each inspection surged and more plants were cited for serious violations.

By Ed Silverman

Supreme Court wrestles with OxyContin maker's bankruptcy deal

The justices seemed by turns relucant to break up an exhaustively negotiated agreement, but also leery of somehow rewarding the Sacklers.

By Associated Press

STAT+ | Roche to acquire obesity-focused Carmot Therapeutics for $2.7 billion

Roche said Carmot's line of weight loss candidates could complement its own pipeline, in another sign of the booming obesity market.

By Andrew Joseph

FDA's Peter Marks

STAT+ | Official: FDA needs staff influx to meet gene therapy needs

The FDA's Peter Marks says he'll need more staff to get a new gene therapy initiative for rare diseases up and running.

By Sarah Owermohle

STAT+ | How sickle cell became the first disease treated by CRISPR

CRISPR has the potential to treat hundreds of diseases. STAT examines how sickle cell was the ideal test case for the gene-editing tool.

By Jason Mast

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