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Gene therapy offered this 7-year-old freedom. The price: a grueling year

December 17, 2023
7-year-old Shelby Campbell holds a stuffed animal while resting on a brown leather couch.Amanda Berg for STAT

Gene therapy offered this 7-year-old freedom. The price: a grueling year

The treatment for Shelby Campbell's beta thalassemia is a one-time, essentially curative therapy, but that "one time" takes place over the course of months. For Shelby, it will be more than a year.

By the time it's done, she'll have spent seven weeks in the hospital, received toxic chemotherapy to wipe out the defective cells, lost her hair, suffered high fevers and mouth sores, and been isolated from friends and unable to attend school for more than seven months while her immune system recovers. Read more.

By Brittany Trang

Aaron Campbell performs a surgical abortion at Allegheny Reproductive Health Center in Pittsburgh.Stephanie Strasburg for STAT

When Dobbs forced one doctor to shutter his abortion clinic, he took his mission on the road

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, abortion doctors like Aaron Campbell have been forced to reckon with an uncertain medical landscape. Campbell has become a traveling provider, piecing together a patchwork of gigs from clinic to clinic, state to state. Read more.

By Amy Pedulla

A portrait of Reed Jobs, who is wearing a blue button-down shirt.Constanza Hevia for STAT

With big ambition — and a family name to match — Reed Jobs charts his own course in biotech

The son of Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs is trying to make a name for himself with his own investment firm focused on oncology. What can the biotech industry — and in particular, the oncology field, which is facing new hurdles after years of prosperity — expect from him? Read more.

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