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Hundreds in Texas denied abortions despite serious health risks, data show

December 15, 2023
An exam room at a Planned Parenthood facility in Austin, Texas.
Eric Gay/AP

Kate Cox is one of hundreds in Texas denied abortions despite serious health risks, data show

A STAT review of studies and data from other states suggests that hundreds, if not thousands, of Texans were likely denied medically necessary abortions.

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NIH panel calls for fewer, better-paid postdocs in bid to halt loss of scientists to industry

NIH director Monica Bertagnolli must now decide whether to endorse the recommendations and determine how best to implement them.

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STAT+ | European regulators endorse Casgevy, paving way for approval of CRISPR-based therapy

The world's first medicine based on CRISPR will almost certainly win approval in Europe, following an endorsement by a regulatory committee.

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Former Sens. Birch Bayh (left) and Bob Dole, the authors of the Bayh-Dole Act, in Washington in July 1985.
Wikimedia Commons/University of Kansas

Opinion: The Biden administration's plan to use march-in rights to address drug prices would kill future world-changing innovations

The White House wants to use the Bayh-Dole Act — a longtime driver of inventions — to control drug prices. That's a terrible idea.

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Opinion: The federal government fails to provide Americans with reproductive health information they need. Here's a better approach

The website falls far short of the needs and expectations of the public and health care providers.

By Michael Stebbins and Eric D. Perakslis

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