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So-called nonprofit hospitals that actually make profits should have to pay taxes

April 14, 2024
First Opinion Editor

I had the honor this week of talking with the fellows in this year's Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Minority Health Policy at Harvard University. It's always invigorating to meet people who have stories — really good stories — to tell. The purpose of the meeting was to take a deep dive into writing and pitching opinion/perspective essays. I was joined by Eli Cahan, a pediatrician and investigative journalist who is helping Harvard Public Health expand its opinion platform.

Sessions like these always nudge me to revisit the question, "What makes a good op-ed?" Saying "I know it when I see one" doesn't cut the mustard. People want specifics.

Here are a few of the things Eli and I offered the fellows as answers to "What makes a good op-ed?"

  • A personal story that illustrates a bigger issue or pressing concern
  • An essay that radiates the urgency of a situation
  • A perspective on the news — and by "news" I mean something happening right now
  • A strong voice
  • A unique perspective and platform (think back to Angelina Jolie's 2013 essay in The New York Times about why she had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy after testing positive for the BrCa gene, which changed the conversation about this procedure).

The list could go on, but that's a decent starting point. STAT gets a slew of First Opinion submissions a week. Some are from luminaries, some are from people working in the biopharma or heath care trenches, some are from regular folks who have a great story to tell.

I'm eager to read your stories. Please send them to Your essay may one day be among the weekly entries in this newsletter.


Hospitals that make profits should pay taxes

Most hospitals pay no taxes. The IRS community benefit standard allows nonprofit hospitals to inflate charity care, avoid taxes.

By Marty Makary

As a rule, rape exceptions for abortion don't work

Many politicians who push abortion bans often use rape exceptions as cover. But for rape survivors, these exceptions are meaningless.

By Samuel Dickman

H5N1 bird flu in U.S. cattle: A wake-up call to action

The U.S. must act decisively, acknowledging the potential gravity of H5N1 mammalian transmission. Humans have no natural immunity to the bird flu virus.

By Luciana Borio and Phil Krause

A medical worker preparing a radioactive injection.

Congress: Protect patients and enact the Nuclear Medicine Clarification Act

Faulty injections of radioactive drugs, called extravasations, can be harmful in several ways. Doctors should have to report them.

By Pam Kohl and Bill Kiser

To rebuild trust in public health: Better communication, fewer mandates, and small wins

The more trust that can be restored in the CDC and public health, the faster and more effectively the country can respond to emergencies.

By Tom Frieden

Cancer is a killer. So is the fear of it

Cancer screening saves lives, but some people delay treatment after diagnosis, not knowing that two-thirds of cancers can be treated or cured.

By David Ropeik


Needed for reproductive justice and autonomy: women in design

Failures of drugs and devices for women's reproductive health can be traced in part to the dearth of women on the design teams.

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Mental health screening tools for kids are 30 years out of date

Mental health screening tools for kids are 30-year-old paper-and-pen questionnaires. They need to be modernized for kids of today.

By Wendy Ward

The time has come for over-the-counter antidepressants

SSRI antidepressants meet the FDA's requirements for over-the-counter medicines. It's time to give them that status.

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