Breaking News

A looming bill has U.S. biotechs wary of partnering with Chinese firms, new report shows

July 5, 2024

STAT+ | Report shows U.S. biotechs are wary of Chinese partnerships due to looming BIOSECURE Act

A survey by China-based L.E.K. Consulting found a looming anti-China biotechnology bill has spooked U.S. life sciences companies.

By John Wilkerson

GSK buys mRNA-based Covid, flu vaccines from CureVac in restructured partnership

CureVac, the German biotech that focuses on mRNA vaccines, will receive an initial payment of €400 million upfront ($430 million) from GSK.

By Adam Feuerstein

STAT+ | Regulating artificial intelligence doesn't have to be complicated, some experts say

Experts highlighted strategies the government already uses to regulate different industries as models for writing new rules to regulate AI.

By Brittany Trang

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