With the elections looming, you can count on STAT to cut through hype and talking points to unpack how every outcome could reshape health care. We've broken down Kamala Harris' and Donald Trump's health care plans, so you can be prepared, no matter who prevails.
What about Congress? We've shown how which party has legislative control could affect Medicare, drug pricing, and abortion, among other crucial issues.
And STAT has taken you behind the scenes, to meet the key players who could wield power should Trump or Harris take the White House. Heard of MAHA? We'll explain that too…
States play a crucial role in shaping health care, so we go deep on policy at the local level. We chronicled the lessons North Carolina holds for one of Harris' key policy ambitions, and how Montana's Senate race provides a warning to Democrats. Plus, we've got you covered on the key races and measures across the country.
Election day is just the start. We're sourced up from the White House to K Street to Capitol Hill, and we'll be inside the transition efforts to keep you informed. And as a new government takes power, we'll tell you how that's changing every agency, from CMS to FDA.
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