Seen Health emerged from stealth on Monday. The company builds on the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly model and focuses on Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
A patient death in a clinical trial usually prompts the FDA to impose a clinical hold. But Neurogene is able to avoid a lengthy clinical trial pause largely because of its participation in an FDA pilot program intended to speed up the development of therapies for rare diseases.
By addressing each community's unique needs with tailored, culturally responsive care and cross-sector collaboration, we can empower healthcare providers to drive lasting, equitable outcomes.
Wearable devices, such as a glucose meter device or a defibrillator and pacemaker, can provide valuable and real-time information to a healthcare provider so that decisions can be made to protect the patient.
In this episode, we do a wrap up of the annual HLTH conference and we discuss topics like artificial intelligence, primary care and GLP-1s. Companies we talk about are Amazon One Medical, Noom Health, GE Healthcare, Cleveland Clinic.
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