Breaking News

Congenital heart disease patients face new threat of heart failure

December 1, 2023

People with congenital heart disease are living longer — but facing new threat of heart failure

Adults with congenital heart disease who also have heart failure are an especially high-risk population, a new study finds.

By Elaine Chen

STAT+ | Pfizer to halt development of its twice-daily oral obesity drug, following disappointing trial

Pfizer said it was stopping development of a twice-daily oral obesity medication, a blow to the company's efforts to compete in the booming field.  

By Andrew Joseph and Elaine Chen

STAT+ | U.S. Supreme Court to review controversial Purdue Pharma bankruptcy settlement

Purdue Pharma is accused of downplaying OxyContin risks. Its owners, the Sackler family, would contribute $6 billion in exchange for immunity.

By Ed Silverman


STAT+ | Patients want test results now, and radiologists need time to explain. Can they meet in the middle?

Some radiologists worry that patients will end up more anxious than they were before, or even seek inappropriate care.

By Katie Palmer

STAT+ | Senate Republicans throw cold water on so-called site-neutral hospital pay cuts

House Republicans want to use a small cut to hospitals' Medicare payments to help finance a raft of health policy reforms. Senate Republicans aren't on board.

By Rachel Cohrs

Opinion: PEPFAR has been a lifeline in Ukraine. Now it's under threat

PEPFAR has allowed our health system to withstand first a pandemic and then the full-scale invasion of our country. Now it's under threat.

By Sergey Strashuk and Vira Horovenko


Life-extending epilepsy surgery performed less often in Black children, study finds

Black and publicly insured patients were more likely to be treated only with anti-seizure medication and to die sooner than white children.

By Usha Lee McFarling

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