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SCOTUS to review Purdue bankruptcy settlement; Pfizer to halt development of its twice-daily oral obesity drug

December 1, 2023
Pharmalot Columnist, Senior Writer
Toby Talbot/AP

STAT+ | U.S. Supreme Court to review controversial Purdue Pharma bankruptcy settlement

Purdue Pharma is accused of downplaying OxyContin risks. Its owners, the Sackler family, would contribute $6 billion in exchange for immunity.

By Ed Silverman

STAT+ | Pfizer to halt development of its twice-daily oral obesity drug, following disappointing trial

Pfizer said it was stopping development of a twice-daily oral obesity medication, a blow to the company's efforts to compete in the booming field.  

By Andrew Joseph and Elaine Chen

Johnson & Johnson bets heavy on AI-driven drug discovery

Today's biotech news updates include Pfizer's obesity woes, how J&J is leaning heavily into artificial intelligence, and the zombie microcap.

By Meghana Keshavan

Alex Hogan/STAT

STAT+ | Up and down the ladder: The latest comings and goings

From new hires to departures, promotions and transfers, here are the latest comings and goings in the pharmaceutical industry.

By Ed Silverman

STAT+ | Senate Republicans throw cold water on so-called site-neutral hospital pay cuts

House Republicans want to use a small cut to hospitals' Medicare payments to help finance a raft of health policy reforms. Senate Republicans aren't on board.

By Rachel Cohrs

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